Else we add the two value which are clicked before add button clicked and after add button clicked. Here we put the condition as, if we EditText is Null then we set EditText as empty value.Line 115 – 127: Here we have set the click listener on Add button.We have implemented the same logic for every button.Line 45 – 50: We set onClickListener on Button1. If we click on Button1, EditText will display.Line 21: We override the method onCreate() which is the method of Activity class.Line 16: Here we created two float variable for as value1 and value2.Line 11 – 14: Here we created the reference of Buttons and EditText.

You can find the explanation of highlighted line below the code. So open you MainActivity.java file from left side of IDE (app -> java -> -> MainActivity.java).Now we have to add our Java code in our MainActivity.java file.Here is a final project structure for your application.After clicking Finish, it takes around around ~2 minutes to build Activity and files.Leave the activity name MainActivity as it is and leave everything as it is.Select the Empty Activity and click NEXT.If you want to cover 100% device then you can select API 8: Android 2.2(Froyo). Select the Minimum SDK API 15: Android 4.0.3(IceCreamSandwich). I selected API 15 (IceCreamSandwich) because it covers almost 94% device and it has almost all the features.Give your Application Name Crunchif圜alculator and leave other fields blank as it is, then click NEXT.Click on Start a New Android Studio Project.Let’s get started with our calculator android App: Step-1
How to build a simple calculator app – full tutorial.Here is a link again: My first HelloWorld Android App In this article we will create a calculator android app. This is a simple calculator with limited functionality.īefore we go forward it would be nice to go over complete HelloWorld Tutorial. You can find all my other articles in Android section. In that particular app I also explained concepts of android button and basic concepts of android. In my previous article I wrote detailed steps on How to create a simple android application.